




Monday, 21 September 2015

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha.

To all the muslim residents, Comfori Sdn Bhd  likes to wish them Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha. Drive carefully if you are leaving town. Enjoy it :-)

By : Comfori Sdn Bhd 

Tips : Cara Terhebat Motivasi Diri Sendiri Untuk Berjaya

Cara Terhebat Motivasi Diri Sendiri Untuk Berjaya

Motivasi adalah salah satu resepi untuk berjaya, kunci kejayaan matlamat dan impian semua orang. Ramai antara kita hanya tulis sahaja impian, kemudian bersemangat sekejap untuk beberapa hari dan jam kemudian hilang motivasi, terus lupa apa nak buat untuk capai impian itu.
Perbezaan yang paling ketara antara orang biasa dan orang yang luar biasa adalah bagaimana mahu menguruskan kemahuan diri mereka dan bagaimana lebih kerap termotivasi.
Di sini saya lampirkan beberapa cara terhebat untuk motivasi diri sendiri bagi mencapai kejayaan.

1. Adakan “Vision Board”

Adakah anda ada Vision Board? Vision Board adalah satu jenis koleksi gambar apa-apa perkara yang anda nak capai dalam hidup. Apa-apa aje. Gambar itu ditampal pada dinding atau dalam jurnal kecemerlangan anda supaya anda boleh tengok ia dan visualisasi / bayangkan setiap hari. Minda kita merakamnya dalam gambar dan sebab itulah Vision Board sangat berkesan dalam memotivasikan kita.
Ia sangat berkesan bagi membantu untuk mencapai keinginan yang diimpikan.

2. Tulis Impian Yang Diinginkan Setiap Hari

Apa yang anda boleh buat adalah tulis target anda setiap hari pada waktu pagi sebelum buat apa-apa. Hanya ambil buku nota kecil dan lakukannya setiap hari. Anda akan takjub dengan keberkesanan cara ini. Kenapa kena tulis setiap hari? Apabila anda tulis setiap hari, anda sebenarnya mengingatkan diri anda apa yang anda nak capai dalam hidup ni.Anda telah mengambil langkah pertama untuk tekad nak capai juga targetanda bila anda tulis ia di atas kertas. 

3. Inspirasikan Kejayaan Orang Lain

Ia adalah cara effektif dan sangat terbukti untuk memotivasi diri sendiri.Bacalah cerita-cerita inspirasi mereka yang sudah berjaya. Sebab tu membaca adalah penting kerana bila anda membaca cara mereka atasi cabaran dan akhirnya berjaya bina empayar sendiri selepas jerih perih itu, anda akan secara tidak langsung termotivasi.Jika anda tidak suka membaca, anda boleh cari video. Boleh cari video temuramah mereka di Youtube boleh juga memberi kesan.Anda juga boleh temuramah orang-orang berjaya dalam industri anda dikalangan kawan-kawan dan orang terdekat. Selidik cara mereka mencapai kejayaan dan anda juga dapat capai seperti mereka.

4. Fokus Dengan Apa Yang Diimpikan

Apa yang perlu anda buat adalah fikir apa hasil yang anda nak dapat. Bayangkan pandu kereta idaman, melancong tempat impian, jadi kaya, hidup dalam rumah besar yang diidam-idamkan.
Yang memberi motivasi adalah hasil apa yang kita nak, bukan proses mendapatnya. Jadi, anda perlu kerap berangan dan membayangkan pencapaian yang anda nak.fikir tentang ayat-ayat membina yang memberi semangat, anda akan jadi termotivasi. Ingat ye, minda kita lah yang jadikan hidup kita seperti yang kita nak. Kita mesti sentiasa ada target dalam minda dan bersikap positif sepanjang masa.

5. Gunakan Sistem Hadiah

Guna Hadiah untuk motivasi diri anda. Sama macam konsep naik gaji boleh motivate pekerja, begitu juga sistem hadiah untuk diri sendiri. Sebagai contoh, jika anda boleh capai sesuatu dalam target untuk hari ini, anda boleh hadiahkan diri anda dengan tengok wayang, main game, keluar dengan kawan dan lain-lain.

Comfori Sdn Bhd

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Info : Human Resources Management Systems

What is Human Resources Management Systems ( HRMS )?

HRMS is a set of set of systems used to ensure that an organization’s human capital are utilised efficiently and productively. It is also can be known as tools or software used to assist or simplify the Human Resources Management activities. For example :  

Monday, 7 September 2015



Being a billionaire is more than having bunch of zeroes. To become a billionaire, create opportunities, invest wisely and retain wealth. Here's a theory of how to become a billionaire.

1.We need study hard and smart.
- Normally, billionaires don't happen by accident. Be a billionaire by studying interest rates, tax brackets and dividens. We need to read about investing.

2. Save our money ( It takes money to make money )
- Set aside a specific amount of money from each paycheck and put it in a savings account, to collect interest and use for future investments.

3. Make a plan - Keep finances a priority. Write financial goals down and refer to these regularly.
-  Estimate how much money to save over 5 years. Decide the best way to use money, whether it's investing, starting a business or allowing money to collect interest.

“ You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine”. Elly Billionaire

Rewrite : Comfori Sdn Bhd 


Dear Value Reader,

We from Comfori 

Dear Value Reader, 

The Comfori Sdn Bhd is proud to invite your players to compete in the “COMFORI OPEN BADMINTON CHAMPIONSHIP 2015”, on 15th September 2015 which is part of the prestigious Comfori Yearly Activity. This annoucement, which includes all the General Information concerning the Event, contains important details that should also be brought to the attention of the Respective Department as well as the players. 

Venue : Supercourt, Subang Jaya
Time : 7.30pm

*Dont forget to bring your own gear

For more info, contact us at :
adib.n@comfori.com (+016-6389633)

"Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it"

Datuk Lee Chong Wei -

Be More Strategic About Your Supply Chain Sourcing

A strategic approach to sourcing what you need to keep your business moving can help avoid disruptions and stay competitive in today’s competitive market.

Be More Strategic About Your Supply Chain Sourcing
By Matt Ostrowski on Sep 1, 2015
A strategic approach to sourcing what you need to keep your business moving can help avoid disruptions and stay competitive in today’s competitive market.

A strategic approach to sourcing what you need to keep your business moving can help avoid disruptions and stay competitive in today’s competitive market.

Interrupted supply chains can mean costly delays and unsatisfied customers. A strategic approach to obtaining what you need to keep your business and products moving—whether you’re sourcing raw materials, manufactured accessories, or transportation capacity—can help avoid unforeseen disruptions and create a competitive advantage in today’s changing market. So just how strategic are you when it comes to sourcing transportation capacity? Ask yourself these four questions:

Can you break down your spending to the carrier level?
Can you rank your satisfaction with each carrier?
Do you know which carriers handle the majority of your freight? Do you know why?
Do you regularly try to improve the process you have with carriers?
If you answered no to any of these questions, there’s probably room for you to be more strategic when sourcing capacity. According to the Aberdeen Group’s report, How to Build a Strategic Sourcing Organization, there are five steps to follow when building your strategic sourcing program:

1. Understand your spending. Having sufficient visibility to where you spend your transportation budget is a critical first step. Without knowing what you spend your money on, you can’t move onto the next step.

2. Rank all carriers. Order your carriers based on how much you spend with each. You’ll probably find that the majority of your spending will be with only a small number of carriers.

3. Review the top carriers. Look at service levels, on time delivery rates, and other value adds for each. What aspects you compare may vary based on your own operational goals.

4. Change your buying habits. Armed with your new knowledge the carriers that have the most to offer your business—both in cost and added services—return to the market and secure capacity accordingly.

5. Never stop improving. Continue getting results by building on what you’ve achieved. There’s always opportunities to refine your process as you find carriers that align with your business.

Building your strategy should be about staying open to change as conditions shift so you can gain an effective, efficient, and cost-competitive supply chain. According to the Aberdeen Group, a strategic approach to sourcing can (and should be) applied to any part of your business if you want the best results. You can always start small—with one area of your business, like your supply chain—and eventually build up to an organization-wide sourcing solution.

By Matt Ostrowski on Sep 1, 2015

Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Designing, building, and maintaining machines of all types and sizes are Mechanical Engineering all about. Back in the days, mechanical engineering is only needed to harness a steam boiler engine as that was the only technology human kind depends on. However, M&E are the heart of today sophisticated technology.
Nowadays teenagers are most likely to choose engineering rather than doctorate because of what the industry can offer. Fresh ideas, creativity and innovation is what that makes the world go around. There  are a few key element in engineering that all the successful engineer need to master which is chemical, civil, and electrical engineering, as well as physics and advanced mathematics, particularly calculus. Quoted from Larry Silverberg, the associate head of the mechanical and aerospace engineering program at North Carolina State University “The breadth of mechanical engineering is unique”.
Each of engineers is focus in their own specialties with wide array possibilities and opportunity. Most of the engineers will choose automotive and aerospace but energy, robotics, and bioengineering are growth areas, too, as is nanotechnology.

Ewan Pritchard, head of the hybrid program at Advanced Energy, a company that recently unveiled the first commercially available plug-in hybrid vehicle said that ”The coming decade is going to be the decade of energy, and when you think energy, you think mechanical engineering”. Within M.E., there are four main subdisciplines —thermodynamics and fluids, solid mechanics, dynamics and controls, and manufacturing. Cross-disciplinary research dominates both academia and industry today that’s why we at Comfori Sdn Bhd provide training program for Engineering. To make sure the world to keep evolving and providing a better future.

Resource : Google Engine (2015)

Register for Engineering program and together let’s change the world !


Contact Person Email:

Adib : adib.n@comfori.com
Sumaiyah : sumaiyah.z@comfori.com
Chew : zhengyaw.chew@comfori.com

Friday, 4 September 2015

To Follow Or To Lead

Taking a team from ordinary to extraordinary means understanding and embracing the difference between management and leadership.
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.

There are many styles of leadership, but the Democratic style has gained popularity with notions of an empowered workforce. But how do you get the best from such an approach? Whilst it has much to commend it, as a style of leadership it isn’t necessarily an easy approach to do well. Plus, it isn’t right for many types of business.

A democratic leadership style is an open approach to leading, where decision making is shared and the views of a team or group are valued and contribute to the vision, goals and decisions that are made. The Greek roots of the word democratic suggest people are participating in power or control.
Benefits Of A Democratic Leadership Style.

1, Invites discussion, opinions and views.
2, Builds a consensus.
3, Encourages the ideas and creativity of others.
4, Recognises that people other than the leader may well have ideas about a better way forward.
5, Creates a shared vision and goals.
6, Builds commitment as individuals agree together what needs to be done.
7, But there are limitations of the style. It can cause some of the following:-
8, Difficulties when quick decisions are needed in a crisis.
9, Confusion if communication is not clear about what or whether anything has been decided.
10, When people are in-experienced or don’t feel confident they may struggle with being asked to participate.
11, Some people may regard being asked as a sign that a leader isn’t leading – “I’m not paid to do this – you are!”.
When To Use A Democratic Leadership Style
e ideas and creativity of others.
4, Recognises that people other than the leader may well have ideas about a better way forward.
5, Creates a shared vision and goals.
6, Builds commitment as individuals agree together what needs to be done.
7, But there are limitations of the style. It can cause some of the following:-
8, Difficulties when quick decisions are needed in a crisis.
9, Confusion if communication is not clear about what or whether anything has been decided.
10, When people are in-experienced or don’t feel confident they may struggle with being asked to participate.
11, Some people may regard being asked as a sign that a leader isn’t leading – “I’m not paid to do this – you are!”.

mily:"Arial","sans-serif"'>A democratic leadership style is an open approach to leading, where decision making is shared and the views of a team or group are valued and contribute to the vision, goals and decisions that are made. The Greek roots of the word democratic suggest people are participating in power or control.

Benefits Of A Democratic Leadership Style

1, A democratic leadership style can be a powerful way to realise the potential within teams and organisations. That’s especially the case because:
2, It fits well with the current ideas of empowerment and engagement of staff.
3, It is particularly beneficial for helping get the best out of teams.
4, If fosters creativity and ideas.
5, It builds a sense of commitment and demonstrates that skills and expertise are valued.
6, It makes time to think about important decisions that need everybody to be on-board.
7, It is effective with knowledge workers where their expertise are greater than the leaders.

Cautionary Notes About Adopting A Democratic Leadership Style.
It can be demanding seeking to consult and achieve consensus.
It should not be an excuse for procrastination. Discuss, consult and then come to a decision and act. Avoid the situation of becoming bogged down in meetings that don’t go anywhere.
The democratic leader builds consensus through participation. If this style were summed up in one phrase, it would be "What do you think?" The democratic style is most effective when the leader needs the team to buy into or have ownership of a decision, plan, or goal, or if he or she is uncertain and needs fresh ideas from qualified teammates. It is not the best choice in an emergency situation, when time is of the essence for another reason or when teammates are not informed enough to offer sufficient guidance to the leader.
Bottom line? In my view, if you take two cups of authoritative leadership, one cup of democratic, coaching, and affiliative leadership, and a dash of pacesetting and coercive leadership "to taste," and you lead based on need in a way that elevates and inspires your team, you’ve got an excellent recipe for long-term leadership success with every team in your life.

So what are your views on democratic leadership? I’m interested to know how it has helped, or hindered you and your business, let me know.


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